Is Cold MN Weather Causing Your Garage Door Issues?

It’s that time of the year again! When winter hits, it can be damaging for your garage door! Lots of things can go wrong and garage doors are more likely to have issues once sub-zero temperatures have hit. Our staff of highly trained technicians can repair or replace any issue that you may have within the same day, so you can get back to using your garage door again with minimal down time.

Some common issues with garage doors we see during sub-zero temperatures include:

Broken Garage Door hanging from the garage door cable with the garage door metal racks broken off the back.

  • Broken Springs: Springs have years of use in them, but once the cold sets in, it’s usually only a matter of time before they will snap and leave your garage door unable to open. A broken spring can usually be diagnosed by looking above your garage door and seeing the large spring on top damaged or your garage door being unable to lift. Another big giveaway of a broken garage door spring is hearing a large snap, followed by being unable to open your garage door.
  • Broken Cables: Cables, especially rusty cables will snap and cause your garage door to look as if it’s dangling from a thread. Once this happens both of the cables must be replaced as the other cable in tact is usually not far behind from snapping as well.
  • Faulty Garage Door Openers: A garage door opener works well during normal temperatures and usually during very cold times as well. But once it gets to sub-zero temperatures faulty electronic components usually start to show their wear and tear. We see garage doors unable to close, open or fully shut when cold weather starts degrading the garage door opener.

If you are noticing that your garage door is having issues, or it looks like the garage door above, give us a call today for a FREE onsite estimate at (612) 263-6234 we can diagnose, repair and replace any issue that you may have on the same day! Sub-zero temperatures coupled with salt will leave your garage door needing a repair soon.


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