
Garage Door Opener Maintenance

Garage Door Opener Maintenance

Garage door openers are often the most overlooked point of a garage door. Many people use their garage door opener everyday, without thinking much about it until it starts to malfunction. Trying to diagnose a garage door opener problem yourself can take a lot of time. With researching online and trying to figure out how to fix it can be even more difficult. Elite Garage Door has been providing garage door opener maintenance services for years. Satisfying you so that your garage door opener can get back to working like new again.

Common problems that require garage door opener maintenance:

  • Gears: Over the years gears in the garage door opener can grind down due to the plastic gears. This can be from overuse or even other problems with the garage door. Such as a spring not being adjusted properly and causing the garage door to weight more than what it should. Elite Garage Door has diagnosed and repaired many gear issues throughout the twin cities area within the same day.
  • Electrical Components: Over time wires can start to break down or become issues, replacing electrical wires and other components such as a garage door openers. Main logic board help in allowing your garage door to work like new again.
  • Sensors: Garage door opener sensors can start to cause issues later on down the line and need to be replaced to allow the garage door opener to work properly. Sensors can become sensitive or damaged because of vehicles or prolonged use and need to be maintained and replaced over the years like all of the other components.

Call Elite Garage Door Today For Any Garage Door Opener Maintenance:

Elite Garage Door has maintained and repaired thousands of garage door openers throughout the area. We can do garage door opener maintenance for any garage door opener make or model. From genie to craftsman garage door openers and everything else on the market, we can do it all. Call us now for a FREE onsite quote at (612) 263-6234.


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